Focus on your future
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We’re invested in you

Watch the video below to hear Mike McIlwain discuss our employee vision and how we are investing in you.

Make the most of your savings

As of July 1, we are doubling our 401(k) match, which means more money into your savings.


PSAV will contribute


for every $1 you put in up to 6% of your salary.

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July 1

PSAV will contribute


for every $1 you put in up to 6% of your salary.

Increase your 401(k) contribution with the July 1 change, and almost triple the amount of money you can save for your future.

Example 1: 401(k) contribution 3%
Salary per year $40k
Your contribution per year: $1,200
PSAV contribution currently $300
PSAV contribution from July 1 $600
Total savings currently = $1,500 3.75%
Total savings from July 1 = $1,800 4.5%
Example 2: 401(k) contribution 6%
Salary per year $40k
Your contribution per year: $2,400
PSAV contribution currently $600
PSAV contribution from July 1 $1,200
Total savings currently = $3,000 7.5%
Total savings from July 1 = $3,600 9%

Increase your contribution

Take control of your future now.

Analog sunset to digital horizon

We know the technology we use is critical to our success. As part of the Analog Sunset initiative, we will aggressively target two key areas in 2018:

Replacing analog-based video switchers and video distribution, giving regions the choice of HDMI, Fiber Optic and SDI cables
Investing in LED
video tiles for PGE

your 401(k)

Take control of your future and see how saving smarter
can help you reach your financial goals.

Stay tuned

Keep checking back here for more information and updates on how we’re focusing on your future.